I went 'sploring with Mom this afternoon.
Of course, Daisy came too! Daisy always comes with us!
Daisy had to take a little break. Mom thinks her shoulder was bugging her. Daisy just ain't made for ripping around all day, like me!
That Daisy, she just makes herself at home anywhere! She was lounging while I was checking on my Dad!
Then we came around a corner and Hey! That's my house!
It's a busy day around here...besides 'sploring, it's Anvik Day! He has lived here for three years. I am celebrating by chewing on him...like everyday! Plus we are waiting for nice Dr. Carolynne to come visit us. She is gonna steal some of Sleet's blood. When you are an ancient dog, you get your blood stolen alot it seems! Plus Dr. Carolynne is gonna check Franklin out. His fur and skin is just a nasty mess. She already gave him some medicine for that but I guess he needs some more or a different kind!