Wooooo Furiends
Did I ever finish introducing y'all to my pack? I don't think I did! There are alot of us!
Did I ever finish introducing y'all to my pack? I don't think I did! There are alot of us!

This is my brofurr, Deuce. When he got here his name was Bandit, but there was already a Bandit here and Deuce didn't know he had a name so it got changed! Mom says Deuce is a wild child. I'm not so sure cuz I never really met him without a fence in between us. Deuce mostly took care of himself til was about four years old. No one even fed him dinner! Some people got mad cuz Deuce was gettin' in their garbage and stuff...well, duh, he was hungry! Those people were gonna do some not so nice things to Deuce so this nice man caught him and brought him to the shelter. If you've been paying attention at all, you know the rest of the story...my humans found him there and he came here and never left!

Mom says Deuce really wants to be a good boy, but since no one taught him how to be a good dog when he was a puppy, sometimes he gets in trouble. He likes to knock Mom over to get her attention! Dude, bad idea!! Anyhoo, Deuce is real happy now. He really, really likes having someone to pet him and getting foodies every day!

This is my sisfur, Raven. Raven and I don't get along, well, really it's all Raven's fault! She doesn't like other girl dogs very much. I would be nice to her, but she wants to kick my butt! Mom just keeps us apart! Raven is nice to boy dogs and humans! She loves getting scritchies. You might have heard the Raven Screech, no matter where you live. She is way loud!!! Raven came from the shelter place too. She was there for a year. Mom says she's a bit crazy cuz of that, but Mom seems to like them crazy doggers! ;)

Deuce and Raven live together in their very own pen. They luv each other! Raven chews on Deuce just like I do Anvik! woooohooooo