Today my Mom took me and Earle and Anvik for a hike. Daisy came too but that ain't our choice!

Me and Earle go for lots of walkies together cuz he needs extra exercise and we get along real good!

It was a beautiful day for a hike!

We went to this place called Wolf Creek today. Daisy likes to swim in the river! She's a water dog. If my Mom didn't take her I dont think Daisy would get to go swimming very often!

When we were done swimming we went walking on the tracks but we had to cross this bridge thing. I did not like that. I was freaking out! I couldn't figure out how to cross it and I thought I might fall through into the river!

Then Earle came back and helped me. He went in front of me and showed me where to put my paws! He's like the nicest big brother there ever was!

On the way back, I wasn't nearly so freaked out and I crossed all by myself!

Next week is Earle's birthday. I think we should have big party for him cuz he's just so nice!!
Thanks for helping me Earle. You rock!!
We walk across a lot of trippy trapp bridges, but not sure we could do a railroad trestle.
Tank woo fur sharing your hike - both with us AND with Daisy!
We know how special she is!
I see snow!
I see snow!!
I see snow!!!
I khan't wait until Earle's pawty! He's a handsome fella and his namesake makes some damned good musikh!
Woos & a-roos Tehya,
looks like a cool walk, except for the swimming part. (We are definitely snow dogs & not water dogs.) That was furry nice of Earle to come back & show woo "how to" , you're right, he's the bestest big bro a girl could have! We'll drop by & say happy b-day t him next week!
Star & Jack
Your big brother Earle is awesome!
Huffle Mawson
Where was your Chew-Toy / Udder Brudder - Anvik?
Did'ja see the Choo-Choo Train?
What a great day woo had!!! Thanks for the pictures!!!
Mya Boo Boo
What a great, gorgeous hike!
Play bows,
That's some great scenery for some fun times playing with your brother.
That bridge is the ultimate trippy trap bridge! You are so brave.
Oh what a fabulous hike!! You live in such a beautiful place, I am so jealous!
I think a pawty for Earle's birthday would be totally pawsome!!
Phbbb and KhL
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