I couldn't post last week cuz I was busy with some visitors!

Those kids that my Mom is so fond of came to visit us again. Their Mom didn't come this time. They flew on a plane all by themselves! Then my Grandpawents came and picked them up a few days later!

My brofurr, Chum, had to go to the vet while those kids were there. He had a nose bleed. That's never good for a dogger! Unfortunately, we found out yesterday that he is really, really sick and he probably won't be with us for too much longer. He has a big cancer tumor in his belly, on his liver and his spleen. I am very sad about that cuz me and Chum are good buddies, but Mom says she is gonna keep him comfy for as long as she can. Maybe we will get more time than the vet thinks! Doesn't he look happy snuggling with that Hannah kid?
I hope those kids come back and play with us again next summer!
Tehya, hostess and child minder!
It must have been fun to have those kids around.
We are so sorry to read here about Chum, too much of that stuff going around.
Hugs to Mom and good vibes to Chum, the OP Pack
Almost as much energy as WOO?
THAT is a lot!
We are sorry fur your brofur but we know you'll help make his days khount!
Kinda surprized You din't *sneek* into
Gramps car and try to ride off with
the three "ChickLets" when they headed home.
Did'ja invite 'em back fur next summer?
Maybe to stay ALL summmer?
{{{Hugs}}} fur Chum ...
Please help him to enjoy his time
at the Ranch.
Woooo, Tehya! I am glad you have visitors to have fun with and get snugglies from!
Many big [[[HUGS]]] and prayers for Chum.
Your loyal fan,
I'm glad you all had such a great time with the kids.
But, I have heartbroken for your mom and for Chum. I sure hope whatever time is left, he will be spoiled rotten and gets lots of extra attention. We will keep him in our prayers.
Phbbb and KhL
Wow, that looks like fun! I think you should have sat in the cart while the girls pulled you for a change.
Kids are great hugger, aren't they? Woo are such a good hostess & all, Tehya. I'm SURE they'll come back to see woo again!
Mom posted on your mom's site, but we'll say it again - Chum is in our pawrayers. We hope he's with woo all for a while yet.
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Did you get paid for your child minding work?
I am sorry to hear about Chum. I will purr for him.
Huffle Mawson
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