WOOOOO furiends
Last night we had a big party at my house. One of my human friends was turning old! Oh I mean 40 which my Mom says ain't old in human years!
A buncha people came over; Mom made a bunch of treats and foodies, even cake! She was worried that someone would feed Earle some human food though and that might make him sick again. So we made a sign that said don't feed the dogs human foodies. Then she put out some yummy doggie treats that we are all allowed to have...so even us doggers got to have treats and snacks!

Best of all, we had a live band!!! Some of my pack didn't like all that noise, but I thought it was fun! I was right in the middle of everything...my favorite place to be!
Tired wooooooooooooooos
Tehya the party animal babydog!
Woo-hoo Tehya! Wow, your humans really know how to throw a party! Woo do look like woo are having fun! In fact, woo look like the lead singer!
jack a-roo & moo too
My mom smiled when she saw your mom's khomment on FB -
THAT is GOOD pawty!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
It looks like your humans have real instruments at their parties, not the ones with buttons and video games like mine!
My mom likes your mom's idea of having dog treats if the humans want to share any foodables.
Did'ja DANZE ??
Who wuz yer Partner?
You're a party animal aren't you Tehya?
Wooo, Tehya! I like your mom's idea of providing dogger snacks for humans to offer you and the pack! It would be bad for Earle to get sick again. I'm glad you had fun at the party!
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