Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring is boring

Wooo Furiends

Sorry I haven't woooed anything for awhile. Spring is just so boring! There hasn't been anything good to woo about!

This is pretty much what I think of boring ya might as well sleep through it!

Today Mom decided we needed some exercise. We had way more fun than Mom did. Mom does not like mud and muck and slipping around on the leftover snow! I think all those things are kinda fun! Me and Earle and Hobo had a fantabulous time!

We even did some mud wrassling! Ever notice how the most fun things in life require getting really dirty!!?? Mom says I might have to sleep outside tonight! I am filthy!! That's how you know it was a good walk; you come home filthy!


Tehya the dirty Babydog!


D.K. Wall said...

Filthy is the top rated system for fun - Filthy = extreme fun.

Phred said...

Looks like a PHUNNNNN Tyme!
How grubby did you get Mom?

Jack & Moo said...

woo-hoo, looks like woo 3 had a blast! Maybe the "muddy" part of spring isn't so bad.

jack a-roo & moo too

Khady Lynn said...

Oh Tehya!! That looks like fabulous fun!!! I love your mud hole!

Khady Lynn

Elyse K said...

Dear Tehya,

Getting sloppy is good. Seeing Earle get sloppy with woo makes my eyes leaky!

Your admiring fan