This is Antare. He's bit of yappy boy. He's always barking and wooing and running around! He likes to lead our group howl sessions. He's very shy, but he likes other dogs and he likes to pull the sled. He doesn't act all chickeny when he sees his harness!

This is Delta or Delta the Digger Dog as my Mom calls him. He doesn't dig any more than the rest of us, but my Mom is weird! Delta is UBER-shy. He doesn't let anyone pet him. Him and Mom have a big routine they go through when she wants to pet him or bring him inside or something. A couple years ago, Delta got out of our yard somehow and he was gone for a whole month. He was very far from home when Mom found him and she had a hard time catching him!
Delta and Antare had a bad start in their lives. They were very neglected puppies. They probably wouldn't be so shy if they had a better puppyhood. They spent a long time in the shelter too before my Mom got them. Mom got them when this other dog who was a foster here almost killed one of Mom's forever dogs, my sisfur Kayleigh. Hmmm....does that make any sense???? That mean dog had to go back to the shelter and Mom was so distraught that somehow she managed to drop off one dog and bring home two! That other dog got adopted too a couple weeks later to a perfect for her home! So it all worked out in the end.
Happy Halloween Birthday, Delta and Antare!!