Today a nice human friend of my Mom's gave her some caribou bones. His dogger, my buddy Cobber, couldn't eat that many bones, but all of us can make quick work of them! So I'm in my pen, chewing my bone, minding my own business, when I noticed someone else was minding my business!

An Eagle was watching me! He wanted my caribou snacks! Sorry, dude, that's my dinner, get your own!!!
Mom did make all our cats go in the house. They have a fenced in kitty run where they can safely play. Safe from huskies and foxes and stuff like that, but Mom wasn't so sure it was safe from eagles. The kitties can't go back out there til the eagle finds somewhere else to hang out! They are pretty happy by the woodstove anyway!
Woo get all the khoolest visitors!
Be careful, Tehya! He's got talons as long as your snooter, and a very sharp beakie-beak, don't fight him for the bone if he swoops in! Your mama will give woo another.
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Wooo Star and Jack
He didn't try to take my food when I was out there, he was just staring me down. Mom told me to just let him have my bone if he wanted it!
I think he mighta stole some after I went in the house. My ribs have less meat on them than I remember! The ravens probably stole some too! The bird ravens, not my dogger sister named Raven, she had her own bones!
That is my mom and dad's favorite kind of birdie! They're so powerful, magestic and bee-roo-tiful! Some of them come spend the winter here and build nests on the Republican River! We LOVE it when we see them.
Play bows,
Wow! You better protect those bones!
Oh, my, Tehya! What a magnificent visitor!
WOW..that's so cool to see an Eagle that close!
Happy Belated Birthday Tehya! You are an adorable dog!
You definitely want to be careful! I would hate for that pretty bird to take your dinner, or one of your kitty siblings! It looks pretty upset with you for not sharing with it.
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