We went running today! Mom was kinda cranky at first cuz Reggae wouldn't come, but then Pingo decided she wanted to come. That's kinda weird cuz Pingo is pretty much retired and she ain't run this winter! She's still healthy and all, she just ain't been interested in running and Mom lets us decide if we want to go.

It was a nice sunny day! Kinda warm, but not too bad! Mom only took five dogs cuz Hobo really, really, really wanted to come and he needs to run by himself. See that's me in the back with Pacer.

Look, that's me in the front now!! That's right I got to lead!!! Pingo didn't want to listen and turn around at the right spot so Mom switched us around. Mom was a bit nervous cuz I haven't been leading this winter and last year I only did a few times. Every time I was in front before, Paxil was with me and Paxil knows everything there is to know about leading! I just had to do what Paxil did and everything was good. Mom thought I might not be able to run with Anvik cuz I mostly like to chew on him!
But I did it! We even passed a loose dog with no troubles!! That dog's owner kept him off to the side a bit and we just ran right by. Mom was very happy with us for that!

Leading was totally fun! Mom gave me lots of loving and told me I did very good! I can't wait to do it again!!
Tehya the LEADER dog!!
Excellent job Tehya. We would follow you.
Woo are so living the good life!
Living chew toys
A khool Mom
PeeEssWoo: My verifikhation word was TRACK
Wooooo! It sure must be fun to be a lead dog! I don't know about running with other dogs, but I sure pull around a lot of neighbor kids on their skateboards, is it like that?
Kira, The Florida Siberian
Woos & a-roos to wyous, Tehya! Good job, Babydog! Woo & Anvik look furry happy, maybe he was happy cause you weren't chewing on him at the moment? All cool pic, but #2 is so neat with the mountain dead ahead!
Star & Jack
Congratulations Tehya! We're so proud of you! We always knew you had it in ya.
I knew you could do it Tehya. Good job!
Huffle Mawson
YEE~Haw, BabyDawg!!
Another "Leader Dawg" entry in your log book ...
You otta be getting your *Pilot's Wings* soon!
Did Mom paste a GOLD Star on today's page?
Run like the Wind, Tehya!
Way to go Tehya! You are going to be your mom's best girl!
Tehya, as it is written in Isaiah 40:31 -
"But they that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint"
Yay for precious Tehya the LEADER Dog!
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