It was one of these rotten pokie critters! A porcupine! The worst part was it got through our fence somehow!!! It was right in our yard!! In my pen!! Thank goodness I wasn't out there! I don't want no pokie things in my nose!
My buddy, Reggae, was out there though. He don't like sleeping in the house. He came over to Mom and his face was full of quills. Ow, ow, owwwww, poor Reggae. Mom has been working really hard to get Reggae to trust her. He is kinda shy and skeered sometimes. He must know that Mom was trying to help him though cuz he let her catch him and take him to the shop.
Mom says Reggae was the very bestest patient ever. He let her pull all those pokie hurty quills out of his face and he didn't even yelp! Then he had some medicines and Mom put him Kayleigh's crate to have a little nap. Obviously Kayleigh wasn't in there or we would have had another calamity!
Reggae is feeling better this morning and back to his smiley self. (This picture is from a couple weeks ago,but you can see his nice smile!)
Mom feels very bad that Reggae got hurt where he should be the safest... in his own pen! We aren't allowed in our pen for a few days. Mom has to make sure it is porcupine free first! I wouldn't want to be that porkie if my Mom finds it; she is some kind of mad at it!
Tehya, who don't like porcupines babydog!
Ow, sorry Reggae. Those pokey things are no fun. Our hu-dad says to trust him on that one.
I hope there are no more pokey things out there!
So Sorry for poor Reggae. :(
Hope Mom can search & destroy that
nasty porkie.
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