WOoooooo Furiends
I have been a bit under the weather lately. That's why I haven't posted for a bit. I haven't told Mom exactly what was wrong with me, but I was just laying around, all blah and I wouldn't eat my foodies. Mighta had something to do with piece of rotting fish I found in a hole Reggae dug a few months ago!
Mom was quite worried since as you know, I am a life of the party kind of girl, not a wallflower! But I have got my energy back and my appetites! I am wolfing down the foodies again. Good thing to cuz we gots lotssa eating to do!
On Monday, I went for a truck ride with my Mom. We went to this place that sells dogger foodies and look what we picked up!

A big ol' bunch o' foodies!

And then my Dad got out the scary saw thing and he cut up a whole bunch of meat for us! We get the meat from our friend who is a butcher dude. It is all scraps and bones and stuff that humans don't want for some reason! Mostly it is moose meat and it is yummy!
It takes alot of foodies to feed this many doggers! I think we are set for the summer now! Nom, nom, nommmmmmm
Tehya, the well fed babydog!
Woo, glad you are rebounding. Keep getting better!
I'm so glad you are feeling better!!
You are definitely well fed puppers!! You have a totally pawsome mom and dad to get you that yummy meat!!
I am so speechless after seeing all that food. I wish my mom would get me that much food!
That should keep you going for a week or two :)
So WHY, BabyDog, with all that grub
available, did you guys feel the need to
excavate a long-dead Dead Phish -
and then *EAT* it? Eeee-Yuck!
Glad your feelin better ...
Now stay OUTTA da Phish Pit!
Oh, Tehya, Babydog! I am so very glad woo are feeling better! No more old phish for woo. Only healthy foodies that your mum and dad serve.
Your fan,
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