Saturday, December 10, 2011
Sweet Sophia
Thursday, November 24, 2011
My BIG sisfur
Friday, September 30, 2011
I am FIVE!!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Some fun stuff...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
My big brofur is gone....
Friday, July 15, 2011
My New Kind of Adventuring!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
My brother is all better!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Walkies at Wolf Creek

Mom wouldn't let me drive home! I am part Border Collie; I'm probably smart enough to drive! But I was kinda tired after all that fun! Mom says that was the whole point! A tired babydog is a good babydog!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Good-bye Puff

Tonight when Mom got home from work, she found Puff's body. Puff had left on her own. It didn't look like she was hurty or anything like that. She just left. She was almost 20 years old. Her old body just couldn't keep going anymore.
We hope that Puff and her first person have been reunited. They will be so happy to be together again!
We will miss Puff. She was quite a character...always mewing and stealing food!
Good-bye Puff; say hi to all the others for us. We love and miss you all.
Soft woooos
Tehya the sad babydog
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Happy Me Day!!!
This is what I looked like way back then! I was just six months old. Mom said I couldn't live here..cuz I was a puppy and a girl. Apparently both of those things were against the rules here! For a whole week my Mom said "nope, no way, no how, we can't take that puppy!" Silly Mom! Now she is very glad that she did take me!
This is what I look like now! Mom says I'm a pretty babydog! I'm all growned up, but I am still the Babydog!
Happy Me day!
PS: Me and Mom and alla my pack would like to say thanks to everyone who has been so kind to us over the last week. It has helped our broken hearts.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
So much sadnesss....

Yesterday, my humans made the most awful, hardest choice ever. They helped Mac & Ozzy on their way to the bridge. They didn't want to and it broke their hearts, but they just had no choice. Mac and Ozzy was littermates who had lived here for almost seven years. Me and Mac was pretty good buddies. He liked to wrassle. Ozzy liked to run and bark at everything. Mom says that they was good boys most of the time, but something was wrong in their heads, something no one could fix. We will miss them too.
I ain't never seen my Mom cry so much; even Dad has had leaky eyes alot. Their hearts are very, very broken. I'm doing my best to take care of them; Tehya kisses are good medicine!
Good-bye my brofurs. Be good and say hi to all the others there for us.
Sad wooos
Tehya, the sad babydog
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Good-Bye Founder...
Dad took Founder's body to our vet, the nice Dr. Candace. He was worried that someone had poisoned him or that he got into something that could hurt the rest of us. Mom was very worried that there had been a fight and Founder died from his injuries, even though his body didn't look like he had been fighting.

Founder was a real nice dog. He was friends with everyone. He loved to get his butt scratched . He was always telling stories and yaking at the humans. He met everyone at the gate with a big WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It's real quiet here without him!
Good-bye Founder. We will miss you. We love you.
Sad wooos
Tehya the babydog, who is tired of saying goodbye to her furiends.