Oh, I should introduce myself before I start ranting!

My name is Tehya, that means precious in Cherokee...cuz I am precious! I am a border collie-husky mix. I'm little, smart, always on the go and always up for an adventure! I'm also a sled dog, but I get to sleep on the couch too! My human doesn't think sled dogs have to be chained up and outside to be working dogs! We aren't a race team, we just run around for fun! I'm learning to be a lead dog. Mom says I'll be great when my brain turns on...whatever that means!

I have lots of doggie friends. My best buddy is Anvik. That's him in the picture. I like to chew on him and he likes to be chewed on! There are 25 of us here. We mostly get along(why is Mom knocking on that piece of wood?). I am the Babydog. I will be two this month. I'm at least four years younger than everyone else here. We even have a couple dogs who are pushing 15!!!
We are almost all rescued dogs or rehomed. Some of us weren't in any danger in our first homes, we just couldn't stay there! I was running around, minding my own business one day in February 2007, when some dude from Animal Control caught me and put me in a cage. My owners wouldn't post my bail and I was just about to be sent to the Bridge when my Mom's friend, Deb, rescued me. She saves Border Collies. I'm not quite border collie enough or quite husky enough for a breed rescue. So she called my Mom. Cuz my Mom is a sucker!! Yup, she's a sucker!
It took a few days to convince her adopting a six month old girl dog was a good idea, but 18 months later we both agree it was one of the best ideas she ever had!
I hope you will enjoy my adventures. I hope my human remembers to let me type again soon!
Tehya the Babydog
Hi Tehya, stylin' baby dog! I get to be the first guest on your new blog! Oh, I hope you like kitties. But since I am an honorary husky I think we can be friends!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Huffle is so khorrekht!
Woo are stylin'!!
The pink is just soooo khute fur woo!!!
I'll be looking furward to reading more of your adventures BUT I'll warn woo: getting mom's to type your woo'ings khan be diffikhult sometimes!!!!
Something tells us woo might be the Humom's "pet" - so glad woo got a blog - we always love hearing about woo and the rest of your furamily from Mom on SMS.
Woos, the OP Pack
Woos & a-rooos Tehya!
It's us, Star & Jack!
We're so happy your humom let you start a blog - we know you'll have a big following in no time flat cause you have such fun adventures! If your mom decides to add links, please link to our blog. We're going to go add you to ours right now!
Wooos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Way to go Tehya!! Having a blog is soooo khool!! I'm glad you are here! You are such a cutie, and quite the stylin' girl!!
Welcome to blogging, Tehya! We're about the same age and think that it's about time you get computer access!
Steve and Kat
hi there... I didn´t realized it´s been that long since we knew you were going HOME.. great to see you know have a place for all your adventures.. which we all enjoy.. what a lovely first pic of you..
woos from your mexican husky friends ;)
Ha roo, Tehya! You're such a cool pup; I'd love to run around and play neck-grabbies with you!
Play bows,
HIya, Theya!!
Welcome to the Land of 4-Legger Tails.
Oh, it's US - Cinder & Smokey - sometimes known as Bipp & Bopp;
or Yipp & Yapp ... Phred's FurKids.
Do we have to intro our newest FosterMutt --- Heidi? She's not really a "mutt" - she's the only one of us with a real set of Papers - she's a "registered" Miniature Pinscher, or Min Pin. Dad calls her MiniMutt!
Enough about us - Tell us some TAILS, Theya!! You and you HuMom do some *great* stuff together - never seems to be a dull moment at your Husky Pharm.
Are you and the Gang doin *Snow Danzes* yet?
Guess it'll be Quad-Runner time furst, huh? Ya know, Dad sez that thing would pull easier iffin Mom put sum GAS inna tank an fired it up. It'd prolly make a lotta *rackit* though.
So WELCOME to the I-net, Theya ---
we'll be lookin forward to some GRRRReat Tails frum ya!
**Yipp** & **Yapp** /
/s/ Cinder & smokey + lil Heidi
Dad called us DUMMIES 'cause we spelt your name "Tehya" backwards!
Oh, the shame of it!
SOOOOO Sorrie!
We really know better, TEHya!
**Knock Heads**
/s/ Dumm & Dummer
Woooo, precious Tehya! There you are! Congratulations on your very own blog; I am so happy for you!
WOoo woo furiends!
Thanks for all the nice comments. I will get my Mom to add links to my friends' blogs soon.
Aroooooooo! Good to see you blog, Tehya! We hear the stories Mama tells Dad that she reads about you, although Mama didn't think we understood them. Ha roo, we fooled her! But we feel like we know you already!
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