Tonight I went for walkies with my Mom and a few of my furiends.

Unlike some of the other dogs here, I am allowed off leash. Lots of huskies just run away if they get loose. My border collie side keeps me a little closer to my humans. Although, Mom does see alot of my tail when we got for off-leash walkies!

My pen-mates, Chum and Pacer, came along tonight. We stay in a pen together when Mom isn't home to supervise us. Most of us doggers get along, but 25 dogs unsupervised and loose together, well, that's a bad idea! Chum lives with me because he's a bit of a troublemaker. He doesn't mean to start trouble, he just does! He's very talky and not all the dogs understand what he's saying! I get him though!

We like to wrassle! Don't worry, we aren't fighting. We just like to play rough!!

My friend, Pacer came for a walk too. Before me Pacer didn't have any friends. The other dogs beat him up a few times...once so bad that Dr. Candace wasn't sure Pacer would live! But he did and now he has me to play with and he's much happier!

Oh, yeah, Daisy came too. I guess I should explain about Daisy. Daisy is NOT our dog; she doesn't actually live here, but don't tell her that. She thinks she does live here. She comes over every day! We almost never go for a walk without Daisy tagging along. She actually belongs to someone who lives in our area. He's not mean to her, but he doesn't seem to pay very much attention to her! So she comes here to play and stuff. My Mom loves her like she really did live here!

We didn't go anywhere too exciting tonight. Just to my lake. Oh, Mom says it's not really my lake, but I think it is! I go there alot!

I like to swim. The water is getting a bit cold now though!

We did find some stinky stuff to roll in on our way home. Mom was thrilled!
Mom doesn't have to work for a couple days. Maybe we will do something exciting on the weekend!
Wooo Tehya, you get to have SOOOO much fun! I hope you have some good adventures on the weekend.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
We are furry happy your nice mom let you start a blog!
Woo have so much to ofFUR us!!
My mom and I love how woo take khare of Daisy - she's such a beaWOOty!!!
Hey Tehya, Pacer, Chum & Daisy,
woo guys are pretty lucky to be able to run off leash! Just today friends of our humans offered to let us "borrow" their cabin and they said how we could run in the woods & chase rabbits & stuff... then mom dropped the boom & said "NO huskies off leashes!" What a party pooper!
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo too
Tehya, what a lovely place for walkies and a little wrassling! I know you said your mum sees a lot of your tail when you go off-leash, but it is a beautiful tail!
Thinking of you,
Woos & a-rooos Tehya, it's us again. We Come to our blog - we're giving woo an award!
I'm so jealous! I never get to go on walks off leash! Maybe you should give me some tips on how to be a border collie.
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