Here's a picture from when I was truly a babydog. I was six months old in this one and I had just arrived at my new home!

See I love Anvik right from the start!

And this is me now! I was hanging out on the couch yesterday supervising my Mom while she cleaned! I'm a good helper that way!

Mom is making me post this picture...she says it's a rare moment when I am still!

And this is me all grown up! I'm not a babydog anymore, but Mom says I will always be her Babydog!
Moose bones for everyone!
WOO-HOO fur being TWO!
I understand the name your mom khalls woo!!
My mom khalls me her Babydoll!!!
Your sleeping beauty princess pikh was inkhredible!!!!
Happy birtday, Tehya!!! Woo are furry pretty and we love your princess collar.
Woos, the OP Pack
Woos & a-roos to yous on your special birthday, Tehya! Your Princess collar is awfully cute, and there's no doubt the right babydog is wearing the Princess collar!
~Star & jack a-roo too
PS - Moose bones sound yummy!
Happy birthday Babydog! Nothing wrong with being the baby, you get spoiled then! Mum and dad call me the little girl and I get the ham!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Tehya, I don't suppose anyone has recently mentioned how very cute you are have they? Happy, Happy Birthday to Woo!
Happy Birthday Tehya!!
Happy Birthday, Tehya! I like your princess collar, and I've enjoyed all the photos of you! Hey, I've just noticed that your tail has a spot of brown between the white and the black. You are all of two years old and I have never noticed that before.
Happy Birthday, Precious...
Happy birthday Tehya!!! You are so furry lucky to have such a wonderful home! And you look totally beautiful!!!!
Wishin you a Hap-HAPP-HAPPIE Birthday with MANY Happy re-runs!
/s/ Cinder, Smokey, Heidi & Phred
Happy Birthday Tehya! You're the cutest birthday girl we know!
Steve and Kat
Happy belated birthday, Tehya! And a great big welcome to Dogs With Blogs!
Gio and Romeo
hey buddy,
welcome to www.dogswithblogs.com.au - it is great to meet you and I am sure you will make lots of new friends here :)
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