My brofurs are in trouble! My brofurs are in trouble!! Mom says I"m her bestest girl! My brofurs are in trouble!!
Reggae and Pacer got in a little scuffle this afternoon. Fortunately, my Dad was home and he got them apart before anything too terrible happened! (Dad says it's *&^%$$ hard to break up a fight with one hand!) Pacer had to go to the vet cuz he had a few holes in him! None of them are very big, but those little holes can cause big trouble! Especially cuz Pacer has one in his neck! It is very close to some important vein! If that got ripped open and my Dad wasn't home, Pacer mighta died! Oh, that would have been terrible!
Reggae is in big trouble! He's in the little pen all by himself for the rest of the day! Mom told him "you're gonna loose your nuts for this one". I don't know what that means, but I'm thinking Reggae is going to the vet soon!
Chum is in our usual pen all by himself too. He wasn't fighting but he was cheering them on and trying to get in himself! Dummy!!! My brothers are in trouble!
I was not involved in the fighting at all. I was totally freaked out! I hate fighting! Hate it!!Usually us girls like to jump in there if we haven't started the whole problem, but I just can't stand it when there are fights! When Dad came out, I went racing right by him to the house!
Did you know that when you don't get involved in the fight you get extra treats and lovin'?!! So far today I've had a Dentabone and a giant rawhide! I got special treats on my dinner! Plus I got to hang out with Dad in the house and the humans keep telling me what a good, good girl I am!
My brofurs are in trouble. I'm in the house! Nah, Nah, Nah boo, booo!
Tehya, the BESTEST girl!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Momma and her son intro...
We got a few dogs here who share some bloodlines. Like Pingo and her son Sundin.

This is Pingo. She is well, she's quirky. She has some very much weird habits, like rolling around and showing off her belly! She was a leader dog for many years. Mom got her when she was almost six years old. Now she is almost 12 and her hips are getting hurty so she is retired now. We think she likes being retired! She sure does like the couch! Pingo was a good leader but she liked to pick her own trails. She didn't always listen when Mom said which way to go, but she always got us home. Mom says Pingo has "trail sense". That means that if she refuses to go down a certain trail, there is probably a reason, like a moose or something. Maybe I can learn that trick!

This is Pingo's son, Sundin. Pingo got spayed as soon as she got here, but she had a litter of puppies before that! Sundin is about 8 years old. He's lived here for three years. He is totally shy of everything except running. He likes being a sled dog. He has done races all over the place, not with our team, but where he used to live. Mom just figured out that Sundin doesn't really like leading. He'll get us home, but he ain't happy about it! He likes to run in "swing", right behind the leader dogs.
Sundin recently realized that my Mom isn't a evil human. This summer he started letting Mom pet him whenever she wanted to. He didn't run and hide in his house or bark at her while running away. A couple nights ago he even hit her hand with his snooter and asked for some lovin'! He's never done that before! We like seeing them shy dogs learn ot relax.

This is Pingo. She is well, she's quirky. She has some very much weird habits, like rolling around and showing off her belly! She was a leader dog for many years. Mom got her when she was almost six years old. Now she is almost 12 and her hips are getting hurty so she is retired now. We think she likes being retired! She sure does like the couch! Pingo was a good leader but she liked to pick her own trails. She didn't always listen when Mom said which way to go, but she always got us home. Mom says Pingo has "trail sense". That means that if she refuses to go down a certain trail, there is probably a reason, like a moose or something. Maybe I can learn that trick!

This is Pingo's son, Sundin. Pingo got spayed as soon as she got here, but she had a litter of puppies before that! Sundin is about 8 years old. He's lived here for three years. He is totally shy of everything except running. He likes being a sled dog. He has done races all over the place, not with our team, but where he used to live. Mom just figured out that Sundin doesn't really like leading. He'll get us home, but he ain't happy about it! He likes to run in "swing", right behind the leader dogs.
Sundin recently realized that my Mom isn't a evil human. This summer he started letting Mom pet him whenever she wanted to. He didn't run and hide in his house or bark at her while running away. A couple nights ago he even hit her hand with his snooter and asked for some lovin'! He's never done that before! We like seeing them shy dogs learn ot relax.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A few more intros...
Woooo Everyone
I got a bit distracted with the arrival of my new brofurr, but now it's time to get back to the pack intros!

This is Ozzy. You already met his littermate, Mac. Mom calls Ozzy a troublemaker. He's very yappy and active. Sometimes he starts a big ruckus in the yard! Usually that means he needs some exercise. A tired Ozzy is a good Ozzy. He's very shy with people he doesn't know, but he loves Mom. Ozzy is a good sled dog, but he gets really skinny! Mom had a buncha tests run on him last year to make sure he wasn't sick. He ain't, he just burns alot of calories. Ozzy gets special high calorie food and lots of it. He eats more than Heyoka and he only weighs 40 pounds!

This is Earle. He is one of only two dogs here who ain't never lived anywhere else. Earle has been with Mom and Dad since he was a little puppy! He's a very, very nice boy. When a new one arrives here, they almost always meet Earle first. He likes all dogs! He likes kids, he likes big humans and cats and everyone. Earle is just plain ol' nice! Earle has some health troubles. His thyroid is all wonky and he has to take pills twice a day, plus he has a special diet cuz he has chronic pancreatitis too! He can't have any fatty, yummy treats or he pukes and pukes and pukes! He takes happy pills too! Earle is a bit of a worrier, especially when our routine gets changed even a little bit. When he worries, he rips his fur out. Now he is on Clomicalm and he doesn't do that anymore!

Last one for today, this is Bandit. Bandit is one of our seniors. I think he's the oldest boy dog in the pack. He will be twelve next month. Bandit is a cranky old man dog, but Mom says he's always been that way! He likes to guard his treasures all day. He has lots of weird treasure things, like Dad's work gloves! Bandit used to live next door to us, but he ran away from them all the time. One day, Mom just didnt' take him home. His people knew where he was and if they wanted him back, they coulda come over! But they didn't and a couple weeks later, Mom came home and found a bag of Bandit's stuff hanging on our door! They even dropped off his AKC papers....no one else here has those! Now very nice people in Bandit's old house and Bandit lives here forever!
More intros later this weeek!
I got a bit distracted with the arrival of my new brofurr, but now it's time to get back to the pack intros!

This is Ozzy. You already met his littermate, Mac. Mom calls Ozzy a troublemaker. He's very yappy and active. Sometimes he starts a big ruckus in the yard! Usually that means he needs some exercise. A tired Ozzy is a good Ozzy. He's very shy with people he doesn't know, but he loves Mom. Ozzy is a good sled dog, but he gets really skinny! Mom had a buncha tests run on him last year to make sure he wasn't sick. He ain't, he just burns alot of calories. Ozzy gets special high calorie food and lots of it. He eats more than Heyoka and he only weighs 40 pounds!

This is Earle. He is one of only two dogs here who ain't never lived anywhere else. Earle has been with Mom and Dad since he was a little puppy! He's a very, very nice boy. When a new one arrives here, they almost always meet Earle first. He likes all dogs! He likes kids, he likes big humans and cats and everyone. Earle is just plain ol' nice! Earle has some health troubles. His thyroid is all wonky and he has to take pills twice a day, plus he has a special diet cuz he has chronic pancreatitis too! He can't have any fatty, yummy treats or he pukes and pukes and pukes! He takes happy pills too! Earle is a bit of a worrier, especially when our routine gets changed even a little bit. When he worries, he rips his fur out. Now he is on Clomicalm and he doesn't do that anymore!

Last one for today, this is Bandit. Bandit is one of our seniors. I think he's the oldest boy dog in the pack. He will be twelve next month. Bandit is a cranky old man dog, but Mom says he's always been that way! He likes to guard his treasures all day. He has lots of weird treasure things, like Dad's work gloves! Bandit used to live next door to us, but he ran away from them all the time. One day, Mom just didnt' take him home. His people knew where he was and if they wanted him back, they coulda come over! But they didn't and a couple weeks later, Mom came home and found a bag of Bandit's stuff hanging on our door! They even dropped off his AKC papers....no one else here has those! Now very nice people in Bandit's old house and Bandit lives here forever!
More intros later this weeek!
Monday, November 10, 2008
I like him!
Yesterday I got to meet my new brofurr nose to nose

See how smart he is, putting his head down. It's like he knows that I am the boss of him! I can be a bit bossy, so I've been told!

I like him!

I like him alot!
Reggae likes me too. He likes to play bitey face and wrasslin' and when we played chase he let me be the chaser. I do love that game, but I hate being chased! Like I said, I can be a bit bossy!

Thanks for the new brofurr, Mom. I think this is gonna work out just fine!

See how smart he is, putting his head down. It's like he knows that I am the boss of him! I can be a bit bossy, so I've been told!

I like him!

I like him alot!
Reggae likes me too. He likes to play bitey face and wrasslin' and when we played chase he let me be the chaser. I do love that game, but I hate being chased! Like I said, I can be a bit bossy!

Thanks for the new brofurr, Mom. I think this is gonna work out just fine!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I got a new brofurr!!!
WOOOOO Everyfur
Yesterday my Mom left very early, which is weird cuz it was Saturday and she usually stays home on the weekends. She went to see her friend, Trish, where Sleet and Paxil used to live. She came home with this:

His name is Reggae! Mom says he's our new lead dog and my new brofurr!! He's 9 years old, but he acts like a young dog! He's very healthy and seems pretty happy. Trish is nice to her dogs so it's not like he's been hit or anything mean. He just didn't fit in with her other dogs anymore cuz they are really fast and run really far. Our Mom is a more laid back musher. We usually only take six or eight dogs at a time and we don't go more than about 20 miles most days. Mom doesn't race so it don't matter how fast we go either. So Reggae should be a good fit for our team!

Mom says he is gonna help train me. So when he has to retire, hopefully not for a couple years, I will be ready to take over! That sounds good to me.

I've only sniffed him through the fence. He seems nice enough! Mom says he's a bit shy, but not like Delta kinda shy, just a bit nervous. Can't blame him for that. After all he is in a new place and it's kinda crazy here! Mom says today she's gonna let Reggae in my pen so we can get to know each other!
Yesterday my Mom left very early, which is weird cuz it was Saturday and she usually stays home on the weekends. She went to see her friend, Trish, where Sleet and Paxil used to live. She came home with this:

His name is Reggae! Mom says he's our new lead dog and my new brofurr!! He's 9 years old, but he acts like a young dog! He's very healthy and seems pretty happy. Trish is nice to her dogs so it's not like he's been hit or anything mean. He just didn't fit in with her other dogs anymore cuz they are really fast and run really far. Our Mom is a more laid back musher. We usually only take six or eight dogs at a time and we don't go more than about 20 miles most days. Mom doesn't race so it don't matter how fast we go either. So Reggae should be a good fit for our team!

Mom says he is gonna help train me. So when he has to retire, hopefully not for a couple years, I will be ready to take over! That sounds good to me.

I've only sniffed him through the fence. He seems nice enough! Mom says he's a bit shy, but not like Delta kinda shy, just a bit nervous. Can't blame him for that. After all he is in a new place and it's kinda crazy here! Mom says today she's gonna let Reggae in my pen so we can get to know each other!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My new digs....
Wooooooo furiends
I'm gonna take a break from the pack intros for this post so I can show you my new digs! I got a new pen yesterday! When my humans aren't home to supervise, we get split up into smaller groups. Mom says there is less chance of a giant bill from Dr. Rick that way! My group is Pacer and Chum and me and sometimes Franklin or Paxil or Anvik. We had a nice little pen with our toys and bones. It was a good size. We had enough room to run and play. But my Dad got it in his head that we needed a bigger pen and that the last piece of our land needed to be fenced. There was about half an acre that wasn't fenced off yet! Now that is my pen!

It's totally awesome!

We have hills and willows and trees and all sorts of stuff to run around! My Dad stores some of his junk out there too. He has alot of junk!

We have lots of room to play Husky WWF now! WOOOO HOOOO!

Chum can run, but he can't hide! I will chew on him!
My Mom would like me to tell any humans reading this that if you decide to build a fence, you should do it before the ground freezes and there is a foot of snow on the ground! I learned some interesting new words from her and Dad on Sunday afternoon!
I'm gonna take a break from the pack intros for this post so I can show you my new digs! I got a new pen yesterday! When my humans aren't home to supervise, we get split up into smaller groups. Mom says there is less chance of a giant bill from Dr. Rick that way! My group is Pacer and Chum and me and sometimes Franklin or Paxil or Anvik. We had a nice little pen with our toys and bones. It was a good size. We had enough room to run and play. But my Dad got it in his head that we needed a bigger pen and that the last piece of our land needed to be fenced. There was about half an acre that wasn't fenced off yet! Now that is my pen!

It's totally awesome!

We have hills and willows and trees and all sorts of stuff to run around! My Dad stores some of his junk out there too. He has alot of junk!

We have lots of room to play Husky WWF now! WOOOO HOOOO!

Chum can run, but he can't hide! I will chew on him!
My Mom would like me to tell any humans reading this that if you decide to build a fence, you should do it before the ground freezes and there is a foot of snow on the ground! I learned some interesting new words from her and Dad on Sunday afternoon!
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