See how smart he is, putting his head down. It's like he knows that I am the boss of him! I can be a bit bossy, so I've been told!

I like him!

I like him alot!
Reggae likes me too. He likes to play bitey face and wrasslin' and when we played chase he let me be the chaser. I do love that game, but I hate being chased! Like I said, I can be a bit bossy!

Thanks for the new brofurr, Mom. I think this is gonna work out just fine!
And we thank your mom too FUR we'll get to share in your tales of your tails!
Well, it seems to me that your mum is pretty good to you, what with getting you a new brother and all. Lucky Tehya!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Looks like a keeper to us!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
I can definitely tell you like him. I'm glad to know he understands that you're the girl, so you're the boss.
Always good to get a new sibling, and one smart enough to teach you how to lead is really, really cool.
Gonna be *interesting* to see how Her Ladyship Queen Tehya adjusts to Reggae *callin the shots* as Lead Dawg.
Does Tehya have her *Backseat Driver's Card* yet?
GREAT post! That picture of you thanking your mom made all of us go "awwwww"! Woo.
Oh Yehya, you look SOOOO happy!!!
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