Yesterday it finally warmed up enough to get out and play. It was about -20C and it felt like spring! Mom hooked us up and took us out. It was pretty slow going.

Not too many people had been out and our trail was covered with heavy snow. Breaking trail is hard, hard work! Mom had to help us alot! She got a good workout too!

Course, there was so much loose snow that Mom could get off the sled. She had the snowhooks in and flipped the sled on it's side. We have done that a few times and dragged her awhile, but this time she flipped it herself on purpose! She freaks out when we do it, but apparently it's ok for her....weird! Don't we look happy! Reg-a-loo was a very happy lead dog! Sundin was happy cuz he wasn't a lead dog and the rest of us were just happy to be out in the snow and sunshine!

This is the trail coming back into our yard. The willows are getting very heavy and making the trail narrow! We've had a lot of snow this winter!
Those silly weather people are saying it's going to get very warm this weekend and maybe even rain! I sure hope that doesn't happen. That will really ruin our trail. It will just turn to ice and that is dangerous for us to run on and Mom won't take us on dangerous trails! I don't want to have to stay in my yard again!!!!
Those pictures look like they have been drawn especially! Woo are a lucky pup Tehya.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Siberian wishes for continued trail weather (neither too cold or warm)!
Those pix are just beautiful!
Oh my!
I've got my tongue hanging out right along with woo!
The pikhs are beaWOOtiful and the snow!
Wow, that sure looks like fun. We will definitely keep our paws crossed that you don't lose your snow.
OH, such beautiful pictures and what fun woo have!!! We are going to put all of this into our dreams tonight so we can experience the joy of snow. Awesome photos.
Woos, the OP pack
GO Kids, GO!!
Looks like a *phunn tyme* was had by all!
We'll cross pawz that the Weather Profits are
wrong and the rains won't come -
we Southerners really enjoy seeing
your photo adventures in the snow.
Tehya, I see you there on the second row! I'm glad you got to get out and have an adventure! I hope the weather stays consistent for you for this time of the year. Not too warm and definitely not too cold!
Hi Tehya!
I saw you on DWB and wanted to stop in and say hello! It looks like you had a wonderful time on your trail! I hope the rain doesn't ruin it!
Woooo, that looks like a magical trail leading back home! So pretty up there!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
hey are all so pretty or you think if i came to visit that you could let me ride on the sleigh,...that would be so much fun for me...
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