It is very frosty here lately...for weeks actually it has been very cold! Today it is -40C!!

We are frosty huskies! That's my brother, Delta!

We have been practicing our pathetic looks! Founder is very good at that look! Looking pathetic gets us in the house quicker sometimes!

I prefer to stay warm by playing with my buddies. It's harder to find someone to play with when it's this cold though!

Fortunately, Reggae agrees with me....It's never too cold to wrassle!
Ah yes!
The magikh temp when Celcius khold and Fahrenheit khold bekhome one!
All of woo look furry beaWOOtiful and handsome!
And we thought WE had it cold. Founder sure knows how to use that look.
If woo want a playmate whose battery never dies, come visit Thunder - he is always ready to romp.
Woos, the OP Pack
I think you pups need some cappuccino to help you get warm! Tell your mom to fire up the Tassimo!
Play bows,
I don't think we would have a very hard time looking pathetic at -40c either!
Tehya, woo and Reggae are two wild & crazy huskies!
Wooos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Founder really works that pathetic look doesn't he?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
I hope your fur coat is very fluffy!!
-40C, boy, that is cold! Tehya, I hope you and Reggae are wrassling a LOT! I would give in to the looks and let everyone come indoors!
Be warm,
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