WOoooo Furiends
Thanks for all your woos, prayers and vibes. Earle got to come home on Sunday night. He still wasn't eating, but the vet thought maybe he would be hungrier at home. Earle didn't eat that night, but Monday morning he ate a bit of breakfast. Mainly cuz Founder tried to steal it, but whatever, at least he ate something!

Today he is actually hungry! He ate his breakfast and his whole dinner! He has to eat special foodies, maybe forever, but he seems to like them when he don't feel like puking!
Earle was very happy to home and we were all very excited to see him. We took turns licking his ears and snuggling with him!
Thanks for thinking of us while Earle was so sick. Me, my Mom and alla my packmates really appreciate it!
Tehya, the relieved little sisfur
We're all pretty relieved that
Earle is back home - and EATING!
Very happy to hear that he's back home and eating! That's what its all about (not the hokey pokey, as the humans sometimes claim)
Wooos! We will continue to keep our paws crossed that he feels better every day!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
That is good news!
We couldn't be happier that Earle is home and finally eating!!! Go Earle!!!
Holly and Khady
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