Wooo Furiends
Thank you so very much for all the prayers and vibes for my brofur, Earle. He is getting better. He will stand up now and he is looking happier, but he still won't eat!

Once he eats, he will be allowed to come home! So we need some EAT Earle vibes! We are really missing Earle! He must be getting hungry..he hasn't eaten nothing since Monday night!! I would be freaking out if I hadn't had any food for over five days!
Thanks everyfur!
Tehya, the still worried babydog!
I had some pizza bones in his honour tonight!
I hope that helped!
Have you offered him some livergreat? It has amazing healing properties.
C'mon Earle! Eat something buddy! Do I need to send you some ice cream sprinkled with hot dogs?
Earle, you need to eat sweetie. I know it's scary after all that throwing up, but come on big guy. Please!!!!! I lit a candle for you.
Are we workin on *Eat EARLE* or izzit
*Earle, EAT* ??
We'll think *Yummie* Thoughts.
I recommend ham and prawns. Also livergreat. That's like medicine for non-eating pups. Seriously.
We're keeping paws crossed & sending savory sibe vibes....
jack a-roo & moo too
Dear sweet Earle, please *eat*!
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