WOOOOO Furiends
We got a bit of an emergency around here! My brother, Earle, is really, really sick!

On Monday he was just fine! He even went for a big walk with Mom, Daisy and Hobo! See, he don't look sick there, does he?
Yesterday morning, he puked a couple times and by the evening, he was one sick puppy!Something inside him called a pancreas is all inflammed and it's making him sick! He can't stop puking and he is really hurty!!
Mom took him to the vet his morning and our nice new vet, Dr. McCann, is taking good care of him! Earle is getting fluids through a needle stuck in his paw! Plus he is getting lots of stop-the-hurts medicine and some stuff to make him stop puking! He can't have any food for a couple days. His tummy has to rest!

Earle is a real good big brother! He helps me all the time; he is tons of fun and super nice. Everyone loves Earle and he loves everyone. No one ever ever fights with Earle or even gets grouchy with him. We really need Earle to come home and be his happy self again. Our pack just ain't the same with out him!
Worried Woooooos
We'll think good thoughts fur your special brofur!
Mom says she'll play some of his namesake's tunes!
Oh no! Poor Earle!
Mom and me will definitely keep him in our thoughts and will send him healing energies.
Get better real soon Earle!
wags, wiggles & get-better-soon slobbers,
Wooos! I will be sending healing sibe-vibes fur your brother and keeping our paws crossed!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We're pulling for you Earle. Hope the pukies pass quickly and you can go home soon.
Get well soon Earl!!!
Dear Tehya, please tell brofur Earle I am saying prayers and thinking good thoughts for him and your mum. He has a thread in "Dog Health" on Pet Talk, too, courtesy of Phred.
We are sending lots and lots of healing vibes for Earle! I hope he gets to come home very soon!
Holly and Khady
>Pawrayer Pups callin God<
HI God ~
We're sendin a Big Pawrayer up fur Earle -
please help him to feel better and EAT
summa his cereal so's he can get back
to the Husky Ranch.
/s/ the Prayer Pups
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