Please cross your paws for my brofurr, Heyoka. He is a very, very sick dogger tonight. We don't know exactly what is wrong. We think he has an infected tooth, but the infection is really bad. His face is all swolled up! Heyoka has a high fever and no energy and he won't eat or nuffing! You malamutes out there know it's a bad sign when one of you doesn't feel like eating!
Mom took him to the vet last night and then took him back this afternoon. Dr. Helen didn't let him come home tonight. He is just too sick! He is getting IV fluids and antibiotics all night. One of the nice tech girls will check on him in the nighttime. It sure seems quiet here without the big goof! He might get to come home tomorrow, but he has to go back on Friday for sure. The vet people are gonna do surgery and get that nasty tooth out! Plus check for some other bad stuff that could be going on. My Mom is stressed and worried!

That's Heyoka on the couch with my brofurr, Chum and my kitty brofurr, Boots. I sure hope Heyoka is hogging the couch again soon!
Thanks furiends
Maybe he has some khytty fur stukhk someplace?
ANYWHOOO, we've been khrossing and vibeing effur since your mom told the khrazy SMS moms!
We are thinking good thoughts!
Poor baby, I hope he feels better soon. I know, I have been sick myself. Yucky!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
All the best to Heyoka for a speedy recovery. Sibe vibes and human prayers and thoughts are with him.
Woos, the OP Pack
Feel better soon Heyoka!!
Steve and Kat
Lots of paws crossed here for Heyoka
Still sending sibe vibes & got all paws crossed... We know woo have a "special soft spot" for Heyoka in your heart (& on your headbone!)
That's a wonderful picture of yur furbros, Tehya.
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
I am purring and crossing my paws for Heyoka to feel better now!
Huffle Mawson
Prayers for Heyoka.
What Tracey and Huffle said. Paws and fingers crossed and prayers here too.
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