Look what was at my house!

A real babydog! This is King Tut. He is only 8 weeks old! We think he is a lab mixed up with a malamute kind of dogger. He is gonna be huge!! He has some big paws already!

I helped Mom and Dad take care of that puppy. I wasn't real sure what he was at first, but we got to be friends!

I helped tucker him out so he had a good sleep last night. He had a very busy day today so he needed some rest! This afternoon my humans took him to the airport and met his forever human. Little Tut got on an airplane and flew away. His forever human is a very nice man and Tut will have a good life with him! We are glad for him, cuz he had it kinda rough so far--out in the cold with yucky foodies and not very much loving!
I am extra glad he didn't stay too long. I got enough siblings and I already got to share my humans with them!

My Mom was a bit too fond of that puppy! I must admit I was a bit jealous! Muskwa was so jealous he just about lost his mind every time that puppy went near Dad!
Plus I am the babydog around this place!! I ain't giving up my title to some other babydog!!
Have a good life, Tut! It was very nice to meet you!
I love the shot of him tukhkered out BUT the shot with your mom holding him!
WOW! I khan see why woo like her so much! She's furry pretty like WOO!
I'm glad woo had fun AND shared his visit with us!
PeeEssWoo: I hope we'll get to see some 'after' pikhs some day!
Wooo Khyra
My Mom says thanks fur the compliment!
My humans are friends with Tut's new humans so they will be able to keep track of him while he grows up. I'm sure we will get some pictures. Momma wants to see how big Tut gets! His humans want to move to the Yukon so maybe we will even be neighbors someday! That would be fun! Then I could go play with him, but not have to share my humans with him all the time!
We did not really get how big his paws were until the shot of him tuckered out. Those are some BIG paws!
My mom thinks he's adorable. I think he looks like a great playmate!
Good luck to him!
Play bows,
He looks so very cute but you are still the babydog Tehya!
Huffle Mawson
Absolutely adorable! And those FEET!! Definitely Malapal feet!
I'm so glad he is getting a new home!
He is sure a cutie! But I'm glad he went to a good home and your status was reclaimed.
Oh, Tehya... Tut may be a Babydog, but you are still THE Babydog! I am glad Tut is going to a new home where he will get a ton of nutritious food, play times and hugs. It is very nice of you and Muskwa and your Mom and Dad to host Tut on his journey to his new home.
Woos Tehya,
that was nice of woo to share your home & help Tut get to his new furever family! What a cutie - he sure does have BIG pawsies for such a young pup! But not to worry, your mom is head-over-heels in luv with HER Babydog!
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
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