My humans helped my sister, Pirate to the Bridge today. Pirate was real old and her body just didn't work anymore. She couldn't even stand up by herself; Mom had to help her all the time. She was just getting sicker and sicker. She wasn't having any fun anymore and she wasn't gonna get better. Nice Dr. Carolynne came to our house so Pirate didn't have to get stressed by going to the clinic. Pirate left very peacefully.

Goodbye, Pirate. Thanks for teaching me about respecting old dogs! We will all miss you! We will be having a group howl tonight in your honor!
Soft wooo
We are sorry woo lost your sisfur -
We'll be looking fur her sign she's made it!
My mom and I think woo need to give your mom some extra babydog love tonight!
Khyra and Her Mom
So sorry that Pirate is not with you in this world tonight, but your mom certainly did the right thing by her. Always a tough time to deal with and our sympathies are with you.
We are so sorry. Woo will need to love on the hoomans a little extra...I'm sure woo all will have a rough time, but woo did the right thing. Pirate is free!
Mya Boo Boo
So very sorry for your loss. Your mom gave Pirate the greatest and most selfless gift she could...she loved her enough to let her go.
Don your silver harness with pride, dear Pirate, and run free North of the Rainbow Bridge. A sad howl will be raised in her honor tonight.
With our sincere sympathy,
Skye,Lakota,Dave,Jasmine,Angel,Blaze,Velvet,the kitties Misty,Diana, and Starr and our mom Joan
We're wooing for Pirate tonight, too. She was a grand ole gal, and we know that she lived out her last months in that furry special place with woo & all your siblings & bipeds. She probably thought she'd reached Heaven on Earth when your mama brought her home! We're sorry for your loss.
wooos & a-roos,
Star, Jack, & our bipeds
I am purring for Pirate, and for your mum for having to make that decision.
Huffle Mawson
I'm sure I can see a New Star, Up There,
North of The Bridge.
And there's a New Silver Harness running
with the BridgeKids Team ...
Run with the Wind, Pirate.
/s/ Phred & the FurKids
Sad woo and our condolences
the gimpy gang
Our deep condolences. I know you will all miss her so much!
Run free Pirate - you have earned your angel wings.
Opy, CHarlie, Greg and Brooke
sad woof's, sooo sorry to hear Pirate went to the bridge..sumtimes the hardest thing is letting go...ur in our thoughts and prayers..RIP Pirate, run with the wind..
a sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama..
We are so sad to hear about your Pirate. We are thinking of you.
Ezy Ridr Jagger, Mom and Dad
She knows how much she was loved for her time there. She is free now to run and play again.
Godspeed sweet Pirate.
Holly and Khady Lynn
That was very kind of your mom to know when it was Pirate's time to go, and to let her go in her home among those who love her. Run free sweet Pirate!!
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Please give your mom some hugs from us four (:
We are very sorry about Pirate. We know how much you love him. We will hooowwwllll for him and all your fambly tonight. Skeezix and my Momma, Melissa Bee
We are thinking of you and your hoomans tonight. You will miss your sister, but know she is running in the wind like when she was young again.
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
What a beautiful old girl she is in that picture. We are so sorry to hear that she is gone. We are sending love and hugs to you.
love & wags,
River, crew & mom
We are so very sorry to hear about Pirate and so sad that we never got to know her! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are so very sorry to hear about Pirate.
She sure was beautiful and clearly a wonderful friend.
You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie, and Staci
We are so sorry for your loss! We hope Pirate is running around at the Rainbow Bridge. Run Free Pirate! You will be missed.
Velcro, Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, Angel Winton and Mom Penny
Dear Tehya and your humans, I am so very sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you...
can't type anymore cos my eyes are leakin
I'm so sorry woo lost woor sister...but I know she's all well again at the bridge! Despite the sadness, we have to think about how much better it is for Pirate to be across the Bridge. I'll keep woo and woor family in my thoughts.
Oh I am so sorry about Pirate,this is very sad,make sure you give your Mum a lot of love tonight
Godspeed Pirate
Love Travis
I'm so sorry to hear of this. You loved your dog very much.
I came to give you my condolences. Piwate was obviously vewy loved and had a bootiful life wif you. He'll be able to wun and enjoy himself again ovew the bwidge , and wait fow you thewe.
Give youw pawents lots of soothing love
smoochie kisses
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