Oh, my! My brofurr, Ozzy, is a very hurty boy tonight. Last week, there was a little scuffle in the yard. Mom thought that none of us got hurt--well, I didn't cuz I don't fight and I was in a different pen at the time!! Ozzy was yelping and holding his paw up. A week later he was still not walking right! So Mom took him to the vet and they took some pictures of his bones and checked him out! Today Ozzy had surgery cuz he BROKE his shoulder bone!! Broke it!! Snapped two pieces right off!! Oh, ouch, ouch,.....no wonder he was limping!
Ozzy hassa stay in his crate most of the day for the next few days and then he can't wrassle for a couple weeks. His vet lady thinks he will heal up ok, but she said that this is a weird hurty so Ozzy might have some troubles down the road. We are all hoping he's still able to be a sledding dogger! Ozzy is very good puller! And we are all better behaved when we are tired!!

This is what Ozzy looked like a few weeks ago. I don't think anyone wants to see what he looks like tonight!
Cross your paws that Ozzy heals up good! And remember...NOTHING good comes from fighting!! Everyfur just get along!
We've been keeping paws crossed & sending sibe vibes for Ozzy. It's a good thing he has fursibs like woo, Tehya, to show him that he doesn't have to get in trouble to have fun! Take good care of him!
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
I've had mine khrossed since your mom told the khrazy SMS moms about poor Ozzy!
PeeEssWoo: I'm sure your mom appreciates woo being the good baby dog!
Best wishes for Ozzy. His injury sounds painful but I'm sure your mom's tender lovin' care will fix him right up.
Sending healing husky vibes to Ozzy. We are working dogs too, so we all sure hope he can continue sledding--it's the BEST!
Get well soon Ozzy and PLEASE stay out of trouble!
Take good care,
Skye & the Moondance Huskies
Poor Ozzy. 24 paws crossed here hoping for quick healing.
Poor Ozzy. You have some wise words there Tehya!
Huffle Mawson
Woos again, Tehya! We have something on our blog for woo - be sure to mush on over!
~Star & Jack
Ouch! I hope poor Ozzy feels better soon! Maybe woo should teach woor brothers how to be good like woo?
Best Wishes to Ozzy for a complete and rapiid
healing and recovery.
/s/ Cinder, Smokey, Heidi, & Phred
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